In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the two week period of 24 Oct. -07 Nov. 2012, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian suffering from epilepsy in the central Gaza Strip. 2 Palestinian resistance members were killed by an airstrike in the Gaza Strip.In addition, a Palestinian policeman and a resistance member were wounded in the northern Gaza Strip 12 civilians were wounded, including a child, in the Hares village, north of the West Bank. 3 attacks were carried out against Palestinian fishermen in the northern Gaza Strip, and Israeli forces used force to disperse peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

During the reporting period, the Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian suffering from epilepsy in the central Gaza Strip. In addition, they killed 2 Palestinian resistance members by airstrike and wounded a third, in addition to wounding a Palestinian policeman at the Customs checkpoint in the north of the Gaza Strip. Dozens of protestors suffered from tear gas inhalation and sustained bruises during demonstrations organized against the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank.

In the Gaza Strip, on 04 November 2012, in an excessive use of lethal force, the Israeli forces killed 1 Palestinian civilian suffering from epilepsy near the border fence, east of Wadi Gaza village, in the central Gaza Strip. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, the Israeli forces used excessive force against the Palestinian and did not attempt to arrest him first, especially as he was not a military man, but in civilian clothing.

On 24 October 2012, 2 Palestinian resistance members were killed when an Israeli warplane launched a missile at them, as they were launching missiles at Israeli towns from a farming land behind the Tareq Abu al-Hsein petrol station on Salah Eddin Street in al-Shouka village, east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The 2 killed persons are affiliated to the Nasser Salah Eddin Brigades (the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees).

On the same day, a Palestinian policeman was injured when an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the southern entrance of the Customs checkpoint ’44’ belonging to the Gaza Ministry of Interior, 1700 meters to the south of the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing. The missile was launched almost at the time of opening the crossing, when the Palestinian security officers were getting ready to receive Palestinians traveling from Gaza to Israel. The policeman’s wounds were serious. As a result of the attack, the eastern electricity network supplying the Gaza Strip with power was damaged. In addition, damage was caused to containers used as offices of the Palestinian Security Service. Shrapnel made holes in these 6 offices.

On 02 November 2012, a Palestinian resistance member was injured when the Israeli forces positioned at the border fence launched artillery shells at a Palestinian resistance group. This group was in a farming land, east of the Wadi Gaza village (Johr al-Deek) in the east of Deir al-Balah, the central Gaza Strip.

In the context of other shooting incidents, on 22 October 2012, the Israeli forces stationed inside watchtowers at the border fence, north of the Agriculture School in the north of Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire heavily at agricultural areas and houses of civilians adjacent to the border area. Neither casualties nor damage of property were reported.

On 24 October 2012, the Israeli forces stationed at the border fence launched 10 artillery shells at the Gaza International Airport in the far southeast of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported.

On 28 October 2012, an Israeli warplane bombarded an under-construction house, northeast of al-Bureij in the central Gaza Strip. As a result, the house was completely destroyed; in addition, 4 other houses and a marble workshop sustained partial damages. Moreover, a poultry farm was damaged and 50 chicks died.

On 29 October 2012, Israeli warplanes launched 2 missiles at a training site belonging to al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing of Hamas movement). The training site is located south of the Omar Ben Abdul Aziz mosque on the Khalil al-Wazeer Street in Beit Hanoun, in the north of the Gaza Strip. Neither casualties nor damage of property were reported.

On the same day, the Israeli forces stationed at the border fence, east of the ‘Martyrs’ Cemetery’ in the east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, launched 2 artillery shells at the agricultural area in the vicinity of the cemetery. Neither casualties nor damage of property were reported.

On 31 October 2012, the Israeli forces stationed inside watchtowers, east of al-Na’ayma Street in the east of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire heavily at open areas for 10 minutes. No casualties or damage of property were reported.

On 06 November 2012, the Israeli forces stationed at the border fence, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, shelled the eastern parts of the ‘Abassan and Khuza’a villages with artillery and smokescreen shells. No casualties were reported.

In the context of attacking Palestinian fishermen, on 01 November 2012, the Israeli gunboats positioned off al-Waha resort, northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at Palestinian gunboats. Neither casualties nor damage of property were reported.

On 03 November 2012, the Israeli forces positioned off al-Waha resort, northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, sporadically opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats.

On 06 November 2012, a similar incident took place again in the same area.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

During the reporting period, the Israeli forces conducted at least 92 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During these incursions, the Israeli forces abducted at least 60 Palestinians, including 5 children and 2 women, one of whom is wife of the Palestinian prisoner, Bassam al-Sa’di, a leader in Islamic Jihad movement.

In the Gaza Strip, on 06 November 2012, a limited incursion was conducted in the eastern parts of the ‘Abassan and Khuza’a villages, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. The Israeli forces leveled some farming lands under fire.

On 07 November 2012, 6 Israeli bulldozers and 4 tanks moved 500 meters into the west of the border fence, east of the Wadi Gaza village (Johr al-Deek) in the central Gaza Strip, under sporadic fire. They bulldozed farming lands planted with vegetables, figs and palm trees.

In the context of demolishing houses, during the reporting period, the Israeli forces demolished 2 houses; the first is in al-Salam suburb, northeast of East Jerusalem and the second is in al-Zaytoun Mountain ‘al-Tour neighborhood,’ east of the Old Town.

On 01 November 2012, the Israeli forces demolished a house belonging to the family of Sleem Isma’il al-Shawamrah (54), in al-Salam suburb, northeast of Jerusalem. The house was demolished for the 6th time respectively. Al-Shawamrah said that the Israeli forces surrounded his house built on 115 square meters and started demolishing without any previous notice. He added that his house was first demolished in 1998, while the last time was in 23 January 2012. He rebuilt his house in July 2012 with the assistance of the International Coalition, which consists of 10 countries, and the Israeli ICAD Foundation. Yet, the Israeli forces re-demolished the house again after less than 3 months. He said that it was the 6th time that his house was demolished.

On 05 November 2012, the Israeli forces demolished a house belonging to the family of Imad Abu Laban in al-Tour neighborhood. The 1-storey, tin-roofed house was built on an area of 232 square meters and consisted of a room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Abu Laban said that the Israeli Municipality had previously submitted to him a notice to demolish his house under the pretext that it was built on agricultural land without obtaining a construction permit. The Israeli forces demolished all the house facilities around, including walls, and uprooted fruit trees, in addition to water tanks and electricity safety switches.

In the context of settlement expansion projects, on 05 November 2012, the Israeli Ministry of Housing issued construction tenders of 1,200 new housing units at the ‘Pisgat Ze’ev’ and ‘Ramot’ settlements in East Jerusalem. According to what was posted by the Israeli radio website ‘Reshet Bet,’ the Israeli Ministry of Housing offered these tenders to contractors in Israel in order to start these projects. The Ministry pointed out that project of building 1,200 housing units in the 2 aforementioned settlements in East Jerusalem was approved months ago.

Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. At least 11 Palestinians, including 4 children and a woman, were abducted at military checkpoints in the West Bank.

Israeli settlement activities:

The Israeli forces have continued settlement activities in the West Bank, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On 24 October 2012, the Israeli forces bulldozed a tin-made barrack in the Beit Alban area, west of the Ethna village in the west of Hebron. The barrack built on 2,250 square meters was bulldozed without any previous notice of demolition or suspension of work in the facility, according to the testimony of the barrack’s owner, Abdul Rahman Abed Ahmed al-Tmeisi (33), given to PCHR’s fieldworker.

On the same day, the Israeli forces submitted notices to demolish 7 houses in Khellet Theeb area, west of the Ethna village in the West of Hebron. It should be noted that these notices were issued by (the Civil Administration – the Supreme Planning Council) under the name of suspension of construction works and demolition of houses under the pretext of not obtaining permits. The Israeli forces had informed the Palestinians of the decision to stop construction works in the area and refer to the concerned departments within maximum 7 days. Palestinians said to PCHR’s fieldworker that they headed to the Israeli courts through the ‘St. Yves’ Foundation. The case was adjourned 21 days after a hearing was held on 31 October 2012 to complete the documents needed for the case.

On 31 October 2012, the Israeli forces demolished 2 houses in Steih lands near al-Dyouk al-Tahta village, northwest of Jericho. The 2 houses are resided in by their owners in the wintertime. They were demolished under the pretext of not obtaining construction permits from the Israeli ‘Civil Administration. The Israeli forces also demolished the fences of the 2 houses and electricity networks in the area.

In the same context, on 01 November 2012, the Israeli forces orally informed the residents of al-Fkheet and al-Tabban villages, east of Yatta in the south of Hebron, of a decision to demolish solar power boards that supply the east of Yatta with power, in addition to al-Musafer elementary school, within a maximum of 3 days.

In the context of settlement expansion projects, on 05 November 2012, the Israeli Ministry of Housing issued tenders to build 70 housing units in the ‘Ariel’ settlement, north of Salfit in the northern Gaza Strip. According to the Israeli radio website ‘Reshet Bet,’ the Ministry issued these tenders to contractors in Israel to start the project.

On 04 November 2012, the Israeli forces with the company of Israeli settlers started leveling lands that were previously annexed to a settlement outpost established in the east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The settlers set caravans in the area.

On 06 November 2012, the Israeli forces demolished a 2-storey house belonging to the family of Mohammed Mosa Makhamra (50). The house was built on 250 square meters, east of Yatta. They also demolished a stockyard belonging to Hosni Mohammed Salam Rab’i, in addition to a tin-made room built on 50 square meters and a water well belonging to Mahmoud Mohammed Nasser (43).

On 07 November 2012, the Israeli forces demolished 2 houses in the Hares village, northwest of Salfit. One of them belongs to Ali Hussein Jaber and consists of 2 attached apartments of 300 meters; one of which was still under construction. The other 2-storey house belongs to Hammam Yusef Salam.

In the same context, on 27 October 2012, 7 Israeli settlers from the ‘Nirya’ settlement outpost, northwest of Ramallah, attacked Palestinian farmers while they were collecting olives in their lands in al-Nabi ‘Enaiyir area.

On the same day, a group of settlers from the ‘Nhalial’ settlement, northwest of Ramallah, cut down 20 olive trees in al-Safha area. The trees belong to Ibrahim ‘Ayesh Abdul Rahman Ladadwa.

On 31 October 2012, Hala Hesham Abu ‘Ayyah (13) sustained bruises and fractures throughout her body, as a settler hit her on the main road at the entrance of the Beit Ummar village. The child was transported to al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron by a PRCS ambulance. The setter fled without offering any help to the child or calling an ambulance.

On 03 November 2012, a group of settlers accompanied by Israeli soldiers from the ‘Ytzhar’ settlement, southeast of Nablus, attacked Palestinian farmers, who were collecting olives in the vicinity of the ‘Oureef High School for Boys, and threw stones at them. As a result, Waleed Sa’id Najeh al-Safadi (18) was hit by a stone in the head. The Israeli forces abducted al-Safadi’s uncle, Isam Najeh Sharif al-Safadi (37), an officer in the Palestinian Intelligence Service.

Israeli attacks on non-violent demonstrations:

In the West Bank, on 07 November 2012, 12 Palestinians, including a child, were wounded in the northwest of Salfit, when dozens of civilians gathered attempting to prevent the demolition of 2 houses in the village. However, the Israeli forces used excessive force to disperse them.

In the same context, the Israeli forces have continued the use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international human right defenders against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, dozens of protestors sustained bruises and suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Following the Friday Prayer, 26 October 2012, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Bil’ein village, west of Ramallah, in protest to the construction of the annexation wall.

Also following the Friday Prayer on 26 October 2012, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne’lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities.

In both cases, Israeli soldiers fired live and rubber-coated bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protesters. As a result, some demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations this week, the PCHR made several recommendations to the international community. Among these were a recommendation that the European Union activate Article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

The PCHR calls on the international community to recognize the Gaza disengagement plan, which was implemented in September 2005, for what it is – not an end to occupation but a compounding of the occupation and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

For the full text of the report, click on the link below: